Mount TV on Wall

How to Mount TV on Wall?

Mounting a TV on a wall is an excellent way to create more space in your living room or bedroom. It also enhances the viewing experience and improves the aesthetics of your space. If you’re considering how to wall mount TV, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know, from the tools required to the steps you need to take to ensure a secure tv mount installation.

Tools Required for TV Wall Mount Installation

Before you begin the process of mounting your TV, you will need a few tools. These include:

  1. Stud finder
  2. Drill
  3. Screwdriver
  4. Level
  5. Measuring tape
  6. Pencil

Can All TVs be Mounted on the Wall?

Not all TVs are designed to be mounted on a wall. However, most modern flat-screen TVs can be mounted on a wall with the right wall mount and hardware.

It’s important to check your TV’s specifications and user manual to see if it is compatible with a wall mount. The manual should provide instructions on how to safely mount the TV and what type of wall mount to use.

If you’re unsure about whether your TV can be mounted on a wall or need help choosing the right wall mount, it’s best to consult with a professional or the manufacturer for guidance.

Benefits of Mounting a TV on the Wall

Mounting a TV on the wall has several benefits. These include:

  1. Saves space: Mounting a TV on the wall frees up space in your room. This allows you to use the space for other purposes.
  2. Enhances viewing experience: Mounting a TV on the wall provides a better viewing experience. It allows you to watch TV without straining your neck or eyes.
  3. Aesthetically pleasing: Mounting a TV on the wall improves the aesthetics of your space. It gives your room a clean, modern look.

Drawbacks of Mounting a TV on the Wall

While there are many benefits to mounting a TV on the wall, there are also a few drawbacks. These include:

  1. Installation costs: Mounting a TV on the wall can be expensive, especially if you hire a professional to do it for you.
  2. Limited flexibility: Once the TV is mounted on the wall, it’s not easy to move it around. This can be a problem if you want to change the layout of your room
  3. Damage to the wall: If you don’t mount the TV properly, it can damage the wall. This can be expensive to repair.

Step-by-Step Guide to Mounting a TV on the Wall

  1. Choose the location: The first step is to choose the location where you want to mount your TV. You should choose a spot where you can comfortably view the TV, without straining your neck or eyes. It’s also important to consider the location of power outlets and cable connections.
  2. Find the studs: Once you have decided on the location, the next step is to find the studs in the wall. You can use a stud finder for this purpose. The studs are important because they provide the necessary support for the TV.
  3. Mark the location: Once you have found the studs, use a pencil to mark the location where you want to mount the TV. You should also mark the location of the studs.
  4. Install the wall mount: The next step is to install the wall mount. Place the wall mount on the wall, making sure that it’s level. Mark the location of the screws on the wall. Then, drill pilot holes into the studs and attach the wall mount to the wall using screws.
  5. Attach the bracket to the TV: The next step is to attach the bracket to the back of the TV. Most TVs come with a bracket, but if your TV doesn’t have one, you can purchase one separately. Once you have attached the bracket to the TV, you can then attach the TV to the wall mount.
  6. Secure the TV: Once the TV is attached to the wall mount, you should make sure that it’s secure. Check to make sure that the TV is level and that it’s securely attached to the wall mount.

Mount TV on Wall

How High to Mount TV on the Wall?

One of the most common questions people ask is how high to mount a TV on the wall. The answer depends on the size of your TV and the height of your room. However, a general rule of thumb is to mount the TV at eye level when you’re sitting down. This ensures that you have a comfortable viewing experience.

Recommendation- How to Connect AirPods to TV: A Comprehensive Guide

The Dos and Don’ts of Wall Mounting Your TV


  1. Do Choose the right wall mount for your TV: Make sure the mount is compatible with your TV’s size and weight.
  2. To find the wall studs: Always mount your TV on a wall stud for maximum stability and security.
  3. Do use the correct tools and hardware: Make sure you have all the necessary tools and hardware to properly install the wall mount and attach the TV.
  4. Do follow the manufacturer’s instructions: Different wall mounts and TVs may have specific instructions for installation, so follow them carefully.
  5. Do test the mounted TV: After you’ve mounted the TV, check that it’s securely attached and adjust the angle if necessary.


  1. Don’t mount the TV too high or too low: Aim for eye-level placement to avoid neck strain and discomfort.
  2. Don’t forget to check the weight limit: Make sure the wall mount can support the weight of your TV.
  3. Don’t rush the installation: Take your time to properly install the wall mount and attach the TV to avoid damage or accidents.
  4. Don’t skimp on cable management: Use cable covers or raceways to conceal wires and cables for a clean and professional look.
  5. Don’t mount the TV in a high-traffic area: Avoid mounting the TV in an area where people could accidentally bump into it.


Mounting a TV on the wall is an excellent way to create more space in your living room or bedroom. It also enhances the viewing experience and improves the aesthetics of your space. If you follow the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily mount your TV on the wall. However, if you’re not confident in your DIY skills, it’s best to hire a professional to do it for you.


Q. Is it possible to use my TV as a second monitor for my laptop?

Absolutely! You just need to connect your laptop to the TV using an HDMI cable, which allows you to expand your desktop and has more workspace.

Q. Can I mount a TV on a plasterboard wall?

Yes, you can mount a TV on a plasterboard wall, but you need to use special plasterboard fixings.

Q. Can I mount a TV on a brick wall?

Yes, you can mount a TV on a brick wall, but you need to use masonry anchors.

Q. How do I hide the cables when I mount the TV on the wall?

You can use cable management solutions, such as cable raceways, to hide the cables.

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